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Sharing Your Tour

Before sharing your tour, you need to make sure it is viewable.

  1. Make sure you are in Panoramas View by clicking on a project.


  1. Select the share icon.
    1. If your project has not been published, you will have to confirm a pop-up first to publish it.


  1. A new pop-up will give you a link and two icons, the stack of paper is to copy the link, and the globe will open the link in a new tab.


You can share this link with others. They do NOT need a Tour It account. The link goes immediately to the tour!

Push an Update of Your Tour

Realize you made some changes and want to make sure others can see them? No problem!

  1. In the Panoramas View, select the Update icon. That’s it! 🙌


Any changes you have made will now be visible to others using the same link you shared originally.

Making Your Tour Private

You can always switch a public tour to a private one again.

  1. Select the Make Private icon (eyecon??).


Your tour is now private and the link will not be active.

<aside> 👉 If you switch it back to being public after making it private, you will get the same link as before, it will just be active again. This means you will not have to distribute or update your links if you shared them in the past. 💯


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This is a living reference guide, and we want it to be as helpful as possible! Is there a question or an element that we should add/clarify? Do steps seem wrong or out of date? 📩 Please email Melanie ([email protected]) with your suggestions!