Jump to what you need or read through all of the elements. ➡️

  1. Select Publish from the left menu. Select Product again from the sub-menu. Then name and create your product. Tip: Name it your project’s name + “Product”!
  2. Product Publisher - Infiniscope. No payment. Hit save.
  3. Project overview - open makes it so anyone can see it. (Right now own account can’t see if even if they are the owner)

Creating a Section

<aside> 👉 Note: These steps are for creating a section for ready-to-use content on the Infiniscope site. If you are creating a section for a lesson that you authored, this path will look slightly different.


  1. Sign in to Infiniscope.org

  2. Make sure Educator mode is switched to On.

  3. Use the search bar or view the Content Library to find the lesson you’d like to enroll your students in.

    Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 3.45.22 PM.png

  4. Click on the lesson card to expand it.

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  1. Click Educator Info.

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  1. Click View Resources.

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  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the resources page.

    Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 4.06.33 PM.png

  2. Click Enroll to get started.

    Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 4.09.15 PM.png

  3. Click I don’t have an LMS or I use Google Classroom

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  1. Enter a title, a start date, and an end date. Then click Create.
    1. Registration Open: This opens the section for registration.
    2. Requires Enrollment: Learners must sign in with an account and not as a guest.
    3. Omit Student Email Verification: This will make it so learners are not required to confirm through their email. (Note: They must remember their password though since they won’t be able to get email password updates!)

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  1. This will bring you to the Manage Section page. You have successfully created a section.

    Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 4.21.48 PM.png